WinSAD modules
The WinSAD customs software has a modular structure offering a further number of advantages. You just choose the modules you need to fit in with your budget. Discover the different modules here, but first this. It is important to know the different forms of data input in WinSAD:
• Manual user input: input work is kept to a minimum thanks to customisable and changeable templates.
• Semi-automatic: values from your ERP package (SAP, Navision, etc.) are passed on to WinSAD, but this information is not yet sufficient for a declaration to be validated. The user only needs to manual add a minimum of information.
• Fully automatic: you can create and validate complete declarations from your ERP package combined with a template.
• Black box solution: for software suppliers who want to offer customs options to their customers, or for companies with their own full input program.
In all cases feedback of customs data to your own system is an option. Ask us for advice or a free demo.
WinSAD modules
You use this module to validate all types of PLDA import documents and AC4 documents. Using the template system makes adding missing, variable data per shipment simplicity itself. Besides the standard printing of the document, a repertory log is also automatically recorded.
You can print and present this on the occasion of a customs inspection.
PLDA IMPORT can also be combined with the optional DV1 or ATR module. You then print the DV1 and ATR documents respectively.
You simply create all variations of PLDA export documents with this module in the WinSAD customs software. Examples include EX, EU, COA, T2LF, T2F, etc.
The principle of a template with a minimum of input also applies here. After validation printing can be done in UGD/EAD or EX3 format.
Optional printing of EUR1 and requisition form is also possible. The icing on the cake is our reporting system that gives you a perfect picture of which declaration has been confirmed for export or otherwise and on which date.
This concerns NCTS in the normal procedure, with or without assumed location or simplified procedure. It does not matter which NCTS transit permit you have, with WinSAD you easily and quickly validate all types of transit declarations such as T1, T2, TIR etc.
After validation you receive the EMF document by email or you print the requisition form. WinSAD also has permission to print the accompanying document from our software.
Arrival and loading reports can be created with WinSAD. All this is done in very user-friendly overview screens with a status for each file. The monitoring of uncleared transit declarations has also never been so simple. WinSAD shows all uncleared transit declarations in one screen, and you receive an automatic message when transit declarations will expire. You can then always act in good time!
We have integrated the EMCS module in WinSAD for excise duty customers. Your create new EAD ‘departure’ documents in no time at all, along with the printing of the EMCS EAD ‘accompanying document’. All options are present such as transfer to another bonded warehouse, export outside Europe, registered consignee, etc.
Registering arrival is simplicity itself: you specify any differences and send it on. The status is recorded for each EAD. You then print the associated document to complete your file.
Extras include the following EMCS functions: cancellation of EAD and change of destination.
Une solution PLDA LYST à la fois fiable et de qualité ? JCON a ce qu’il vous faut.
Décomposer un manifeste aérien en plusieurs parties, avec un ou plusieurs vols et des envois échelonnés ne pose aucun problème à WinSAD.
Nothing compulsory, anything possible. We create WinSAD exactly how your company needs it. This is why we offer a variety of extras.
• Optional document creation of EUR1, ATR, DV1
• Links from WinSAD to external systems such as fully automatic linking to the following systems TUL/TUL PSA/TUL DP WORLD, APCS, PORTBASE
• Links from WinSAD to internal systems : creation of PDF on release/exit and confirmation to load in internal CRM/ERP system, legal archiving, preparation of financial info for invoicing/accounting software (e.g. import duties, VAT)
• Links from internal systems to WinSAD : conversion program for exporting data from you ERP/CRM and automatic loading of declarations in WinSAD
• Automation like : creation of PDF and direct sending to the customers by email , autoprint of documents on pre-defined printers, fiscal representation: creation of pro-formas, batch or bulk printing per means of transport, e.g. printing of all export documents per ship in one run
• ARM: Automatic Reporting Module: more than 100 reports that can be scheduled on, for example, a daily/weekly/monthly basis, and automati cally sent with adjustable email-layout in an adjustable form (TXT, PDF, XLS)
• INTERVAT: intra-community listing
• automatic VIES check

Fully modular structure, so you just choose what you need. No extra costs of modules you will not be using anyway.
WinSAD validates more than 1 million documents on an annual basis.
What you particularly want as a customer in time-critical environments such as those involving transport, logistics and customs, is stable and up-to-date customs software.
Fully parameterisable up to user level.
WinSAD monitors the latest customs developments and launches a number of new versions each year. The continuity of your business is then guaranteed. We are a member of the special interest group CRSNP.BE.
Client server
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